Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Generations

The first top photo.

This is Mz.Diva. She is my brother's daughter. We had her brother with us for years, and we sent him home.. Now I think he is coming back down. It's like a Merry-Go-'Round with these guys..

Little Missy, well she ain't little.. she is in High School in Denver, CO. She is a writer, she writes RAP songs for the rappers and gets paid for it. Real nice but you have to have an open mind and put your difference aside. I didn't approve of it, until I see where she was going with her writings. I think that's pretty nice to have an overall thoughts of situations and nail the strugglers..

Also, she is very articulate and gracious. I think she is too serious about what she wants in life, though I am happy she chose to be on her own. In reality, I don't blame her. Sometimes you have to step on toes to get ahead and that's her only defense and she don't mind so.

The second lower photo.

This is my neice, her name is Sissy.. of course not her real name. I think she is the coolest to hang with. Any time we go somewhere we have a total blast and a lot of time we go rolling around laughing. She's a riot and drives me nuts. She does have two children, one in kind-O and one chilling with da mama..

SO ways.. she works as a waitress, she loves it. Especially the tips and 'hot' young guys.. Yah, she's married but says it never hurts to 'watch'. Oh the younguns.

Yep yep.. One day she was determined to joined the armed forces, seeing that her brother had PRIDE in the Army, she went to the recruiter.. but before then a 'Client' of mine called to tell me not to deposit the check until the following week... I sorta gave him a yelling while I was driving, well she got scared and thought if she can't handle the yelling that doesn't have anything to do with her.. then joining may not be a good idea. So yahh.. that was the end of that.. Is it my fault??? Ahhh ha ha ha ha..

Her husband works in SLC, and they are like cats and dogs when it comes to being together and divorcing is not an option. Go Figure.