When we were attending the LDS church. He was the President of the Quorum, and I took care of all the editorial and announcements in our church, I really enjoyed the calling. So when we left the house we were all dressed up nice and presentable, with brief cases in our hands. This was serious business.
It was a beautiful day, we were in the middle of the fall season. Our tree had already started to shed it's leaves, and the grass was already dying out some. The neighbors were out doing their chores on keeping their yard looking immaculate. Well, in order to get your vehicle you have to walk down the stairs and unto the small slope pathway to the driveway.
This is a regular routine, not hard to get it done. Somehow, I twist my ankle and take a tumble down the stairs. My husband is about 10 feet in front of me, walking as he usually does to the truck. I, on the other hand I can't imagine why I didn't grab the handrail, there I go tumbling and rolling down the stairs, down the pathway, on to our lawn.. When I was almost done rolling down, I landed face down, so I roll some more so I 'm face up. You think good ol'hubby came to my aid?? No, he just stops and looks at me seriously and says "What are you doing? C'mon we need to get going, quit goofing around." I sat up spitting out the dry grass and pull the leaves out of my long curly hair.
When I got up, I noticed one of my neighbors across the street were laughing at me. I had a dress on, I was thinking OMG!! Did they see my undies?? OMG!! I quickly got up and tossed my behind in the truck. Later that year, the neighbors became good friends of mine.
You know.. For not assisting my dire need that fateful afternoon, I got my hubby back that spring. How? Let me tell you how. His brother had bought a Suzuki something-something, don't remember, it was a dirt bike. So, hubby just had to have one too. No problem, he got one. Well, they were racing around doing little nonsense tricks with their bike. His brother squeals his back tires and make it smoke on our drive way. I didn't say anything, since to them it was a time of their lives. Well, when hubby did it, the bike took off without him, he fell on the driveway.. I was laughing, and having a time of my life. He gets mad at me and asks me if I was gonna help him up. I sez "No, why you needa Wahbulance??" I just kept laughing at him while he boiled. Hey, what can I say? It was friggin funny…
15 years ago