Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Blog

This blog is so yesterday, so I made another blog called 2009 Journal, yea I know so creative. LOL :-P
Check it out.

January 10, 2009

The power of saying NO.. O I love it... Hubby went to work.. First he asked and pestered me about going.. I says "NO"... ahhh I get to stay home and watch the Playoffs.. I really want to watch Tenn. Titans go down.. I really do.. If the Giants win.. we might go to Florida to watch it.. But we have too much animals.. My neighbor is prolly tired of babysitting... I want to save the babysitting for our vacation this summer.

I always say No more animals after these.. so we can just move into a Condo.. maybe a couple (one in the east and the other in the west).. so we can just go wherever we want..

Ever heard of wife credit? LOL, you gotta know.. I'm gonna watch the game now.. It's too intense.. then we got another one later.. that I don't care who wins.. BUT tomorrow is tha GIANTS!! They so better win!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009

I just woke up from my cat naps.. I was worried about Grandson all night and couldn't sleep. Ha ha ha, and I wanted to have eight children??? Ah ha ha ha.. that is soooo funny. What would I have been like now??? O my gosh!! eeee he he he hee..

I really want to take hubby somewhere for his birthday.. well hubby and Grandson's birthday.. I am thinking Disney. I just gotta start saving and start booking flights and making grand reservations... I love vacationing, who doesn't???

Grandson had his surgery today.. Since his surgery is by one of the places I need to go, I dropped off Grandpa and Grandson and I took care of what I need to do down the road. Timing was great, when I was about 50 yards from the location Hubby called and said he was done and out. I could hear him crying.. O dear, he cried. I hurried and parked and ran in the room and got him. Ah Brain.. I left the keys in the ignition.. so naturally the doors didn't lock.. in a way, when I took him out.. Everything was all set to go.. My baby, he looked at me and cried some more.. I hummed and rocked him.. sing him little songs.. Finally he fell back asleep..

NOW.. he is playing and said he doesn't have an oweee.. I guess it's time for ice cream.. huh?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

Mid-Life Crisis..

I think I had just gone through my Mid-Life Crisis... Tattoos, Piercings, Mustangs, the No-No's, and mega jamming and living it. It was sure was fun though. All in New Mexico and Cali.. Tell me about a rush (sigh).

Now, I am re-focusing on reality. The thing about this, when you take a break for a bit, it seems like you just have to start all over again.

My project.. I thought it would be simple to do. OMG!! It's NOT! I am still looking for that right partners to chime in with me.. Where TH do you find these people???? Not only that, we have start up cost to think of. Hubby was willing to pay the cost, but thanks to my crap... the money went to fix my problem.. stinks. I really need to put a push to it, because I plan on having it running by next summer.

Tomorrow, my baby, he is getting another surgery. Ohhh that boy, I swear... he goes through so much for a toddler.. This is like his gazzillion surgery.. I am like, friggin old and I have not had surgery/operation.. none. I just feel for him, but I have a feeling he thinks this is just part of life. You know, Troyking was the same way.. always under the knife. I just feel bad.. I don't even have any unforgiving issues, and Iam the biggest selfish brat at times..

Speaking of being a brat, I did 'donate' my XMas candies to someone.. I try to eat healthy. Yesterday, I was on drugs again so I was like, la la land. I hated it.. atleast I know I wouldn't hack it as a druggie... The only other time was when I really hurt my back I took morphines for a month.. and I could still feel the pain.. I did OD.. not funny but OMG, the feeling.. I never had that feeling before.. I could hear my heart beating in my ears.. people talking seems so far away.. and it took me a long time to get to one room to another... it sure didn't matter if I fell or something because I couldn't care less if I did.. my body was just a body.. and I slept the months away. One day, I woke up and found out I was out of meds.. and I panicked... WOW!! You can actually recover from it. Well, this morning.. I said UCK!! I am not taking that thing again, it sucked.

Going to bed now.. I am tired..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7, 2009

You know, I am beginning to think I really do have ADHD problem, seriously!! I read some of my writings and I am bouncing or I never finish to the point.. I know a couple of my nephews have ADHD, thanks to our family dysfunctional blessings. Or maybe, just maybe I am a hypochondriac. So, yah yah.. I need to work on being focused here.

I was just thinking about what my neice said about being a fan.. yah we had our laughs, and the whole sha-bang was utterly ridiculous.. I still laugh about it, she asked me what happened that it just went.. DROP.. and moved on. I told her, it's not a relationship.. just a zing-zang, really nothing there.. being a fan doesn't mean you are having a relationship.

I am seeing relationship in a way different way, I guess, then a lot of people. Maybe we all have our own different views. Relationship, I am thinking, is more out of our own EXPECTATION. We mentally jot down what we want and when that isn't met, then we fire verbal bullets to our other half. Basically I am cool about a lot of things, but when I see it's being leniently used... that just stings my behind and I ain't nice about it. And if the other half is working hard about certain things, I give my respect and support. I have always been a giving person, and now after what we went through, I am more strict.

Although I am not so laid back anymore, I observe and see if the change is coming. After forgiving and forgiving.. I have become a mean old lady.. I wonder if that's normal.. But I am so disgusted with constantly repeating the same scene over and over.. and I would just rather toss it and move on. However, I guess it's called love, keeps me from turning away but to keep on working on it. I have to admit, there are more days I am so thankful he is still in my life. I give him a big hug everyday and wish him a wonderful day. And I meant every one of them. Things we go through in our life prepares us and as a good friend said "Life molds us", and I have been thinking about that... it really does.

Grandson wants my attention right now.. So I better get off and tend to him.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 16, 2009


I am just sitting here this afternoon and wondering what I should really be doing. I am waiting for Grandson to wake up. I plan on taking him to the 'BIG Parking Lot' so he can ride his bike. I know with this weather he doesn't like being stuck in the house.

Oprah is one of my favorite shows to watch so, why not? They're talking about being healthy. Remember when I said I want to become healthy.. Well, I will have to. I told Rey I would teach him skiing, and have him wrestling, rodeoing, and all kinds of stuff by a month or so. Already I am running around after him when he rides his 'little' bike without training wheels. OMGosh!! I run out of breath... thank good golly o molly it's cold outside. Otherwise I would be sweating like crazy..

O! So being healthy? LOL!!! The minute that was posted.. I went to Chili's and had a blast. My belly was a happee belly.. and we laid around the television and just went crazy doing nothing. That's the way it's been for the holidays.. WELL, I think it's time to pull the plug. You know what the killer in my intentions are?? Fast food and restuarants!!! O they are the work of the devil!!! ha ha ha.. I'm telling ya.. I am putting a STOP to this ridiculous habit!! Starting...ahhhh.. hmmm.. maybe... no no maybe's... like now.. I will donate all the candies to whomever comes around.. Yeah, that's it.. that's what I'm gonna do.. donate them to someone..