Grandson had a couple of Halloween nights and a Halloween Day. I dressed him up in the dark outfit. We took him to a Carnival filled with games and activities and snacks. It was fun. I had fun, and I think everyone had fun. I was busy laughing like an idiot at some games. They were halirious!! The next day, he wanted to dress as PowerRanger...for skool.. it wasn't cool for him, so he took it off and wore regular clothes. His mummy got him a Thomas outfit. I think he looks really like a..ahem.. mommy's boy. They took him out... we really thought they were gonna be gone so we hit the job market, not even an hour later they dropped him off. So we took him with us to our job, and he goofed around with his toys.. that's the goofy glasses.. That was our Grandson's Halloween. All was good, but he doesn't care for all the monsters.. really now that he knows they don't even exist.
14 years ago